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Wallgreens Boots Alliance Inc BDR
R$ 33,03
10 mrt, 20:22:02 GMT-3 · BRL · BVMF · Disclaimer
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R$ 33,03
R$ 32,52 - R$ 33,03
R$ 22,36 - R$ 52,24
9,75 mld. USD
Gem. volume
In het nieuws
Financiële informatie
Netto inkomsten
(USD)nov 2024Wijziging j-o-j
39,46 mld.7,50%
6,83 mld.1,17%
Netto inkomsten
-265,00 mln.-295,52%
Netto winstmarge
Winst per aandeel
573,00 mln.-9,62%
Effectief belastingtarief
Totale activa
Totale passiva
(USD)nov 2024Wijziging j-o-j
Contanten en kortetermijnbeleggingen
1,19 mld.50,00%
Totale activa
78,54 mld.-19,72%
Totale passiva
67,26 mld.-4,00%
Totaal aandelenvermogen
11,27 mld.—
Uitstaande aandelen
864,15 mln.—
Rendement op activa
Rendement op kapitaal
Nettomutatie in liquide middelen
(USD)nov 2024Wijziging j-o-j
Netto inkomsten
-265,00 mln.-295,52%
Operationele kasstroom
-140,00 mln.50,18%
Kasstroom uit beleggingen
-76,00 mln.-189,41%
Kasstroom uit financiering
-1,68 mld.-1.005,91%
Nettomutatie in liquide middelen
-1,91 mld.-19.000,00%
Vrije kasstroom
751,25 mln.188,42%
Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. is an American multinational holding company headquartered in Deerfield, Illinois. The company was formed on December 31, 2014, after Walgreens bought the 55% stake in Alliance Boots that it did not already own. The total price of the acquisition was $4.9 billion in cash and 144.3 million common shares with fair value of $10.7 billion. Walgreens had previously purchased 45% of the company for $4.0 billion and 83.4 million common shares in August 2012 with an option to purchase the remaining shares within three years. Walgreens became a subsidiary of the newly created company after the transactions were completed. As of 2022, Walgreens Boots Alliance is ranked #18 on the Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue. In fiscal year 2022, the company saw sales of $132.7 billion, up 0.1% from fiscal 2021, and saw net earnings increase to $4.3 billion. The combined business has operations in 9 countries, as of August 31, 2022. Walgreens had formerly operated solely within the United States and its territories, while Alliance Boots operated a more multinational business. Wikipedia
31 dec 2014
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