Totvs SA
Predch. zatv. cena
34,12 R$
Denný rozsah
33,82 R$ - 34,77 R$
Rozsah rokov
25,89 R$ - 36,61 R$
Trhová kapitalizácia
20,47 mld. BRL
Priemerný objem
4,87 mil.
Dividendový výnos
1,12 %
Hlavná burza
Novinky na trhu
Finančné údaje
Výkaz ziskov a strát
Čisté príjmy
(BRL) | 12/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Výnosy | 1,38 mld. | 16,14 % |
Prevádzkové náklady | 764,00 mil. | 24,57 % |
Čisté príjmy | 185,00 mil. | 57,37 % |
Čistá zisková marža | 13,37 | 35,46 % |
Earnings per share | 0,38 | 35,93 % |
Zisk pred zdanením, úrokmi, odpismi | 308,10 mil. | 25,80 % |
Skutočná daňová sadzba | 7,74 % | — |
Celkové aktíva
Celkové záväzky
(BRL) | 12/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Hotovosť a krátk. invest. | 1,94 mld. | -37,93 % |
Celkové aktíva | 8,53 mld. | -3,37 % |
Celkové záväzky | 3,54 mld. | -7,12 % |
Celkový kapitál | 4,99 mld. | — |
Shares outstanding | 592,69 mil. | — |
Pomer ceny a účt. hodnoty | 4,32 | — |
Rentabilita aktív | 6,54 % | — |
Rentabilita kapitálu | 8,46 % | — |
Peňažný tok
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov
(BRL) | 12/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Čisté príjmy | 185,00 mil. | 57,37 % |
Prevádzkový peňažný tok | 402,40 mil. | 35,58 % |
Peniaze z investícií | -256,10 mil. | -282,15 % |
Peniaze z financovania | -359,00 mil. | -128,14 % |
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov | -212,60 mil. | -393,50 % |
Voľný peňažný tok | 55,35 mil. | -39,18 % |
TOTVS S.A. is a Brazilian software company headquartered in São Paulo. It has 70,000 clients of diverse sizes operating in 12 sectors of the Brazilian economy: Agribusiness, Logistics, Manufacturing, Distribution, Retail, Services, Education, Hospitality, Legal, Construction, Health and Financial Services. According to FGV, TOTVS is the market leader in management software in Brazil.
The company has invested R$2 billion in R&D over the last five years to meet its clients’ demands. TOTVS has over 50% market share in Brazil, and is among the top 3 players in Latin America, having clients in over 40 countries. With approximately 10,000 TOTVERS in its units and franchises, the company was Brazil’s 25th most valuable brand in 2020, as per the ranking announced by Interbrand. In Brazil, it has 15 branches, 52 franchises and 10 development centers. In the international market, it has two units in Argentina, a technological development center and a commercial unit in Mexico, one innovation laboratory in the U.S., and one unit each in Colombia and Chile. Wikipedia
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