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Tal Education Group Bdr
Dernière clôture
7,91 R$
Variation sur la journée
6,06 R$ - 7,70 R$
Plage sur l'année
4,07 R$ - 8,57 R$
Capitalisation boursière
7,80 Md USD
Volume moyen
14,75 k
Actualités des marchés
Données financières
Compte de résultat
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
(USD) | nov. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Chiffre d'affaires | 606,45 M | 62,37 % |
Charges d'exploitation | 337,19 M | 45,02 % |
Résultat net | 23,07 M | 196,34 % |
Marge bénéficiaire nette | 3,80 | 159,28 % |
Bénéfice par action | 0,06 | — |
EBITDA | -9,96 M | 54,73 % |
Taux d'imposition effectif | -18,42 % | — |
Total des actifs
Total du passif
(USD) | nov. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Trésorerie/Invest. court terme | 3,84 Md | 21,10 % |
Total des actifs | 5,79 Md | 17,82 % |
Total du passif | 2,03 Md | 54,03 % |
Total des capitaux propres | 3,76 Md | — |
Actions en circulation | 605,72 M | — |
Ratio cours/valeur comptable | 1,27 | — |
Rentabilité des actifs | -0,78 % | — |
Retour sur capitaux | -1,06 % | — |
Flux de trésorerie
Variation nette en trésorerie
(USD) | nov. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Résultat net | 23,07 M | 196,34 % |
Trésorerie (opérations) | 378,04 M | 52,98 % |
Trésorerie (invest.) | -214,44 M | -2,68 % |
Trésorerie (financement) | 48,73 M | 23 441,55 % |
Variation nette en trésorerie | 207,50 M | 358,18 % |
Flux de trésorerie dispo. | 280,54 M | 46,34 % |
À propos
TAL Education Group, which stands for "Tomorrow Advancing Life", is a Chinese holding company that offers after-school education and tutoring for students in primary and secondary school. It is headquartered in Beijing, China. The company was founded in August 2003 by Zhang Bangxin and Cao Yundong, as "Xueersi".
The company provides standardized test preparation and consultation services for students studying abroad. It offered help to kids who could not go to school due to the COVID-19 pandemic in subjects including mathematics, Chinese, English, and coding. After new rules were issued by the Chinese government preventing for-profit tutoring companies from earning a profit, the company's stock went down significantly, with a projected 70% decrease in 2022 revenue.
In 2018, it acquired CodeMonkey. Wikipedia
Date de fondation
août 2003
Site Web
15 000