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Studsvik AB
Chiusura precedente
124,00 kr
Intervallo giornaliero
122,00 kr - 124,00 kr
Intervallo annuale
112,80 kr - 143,00 kr
Cap di mercato
1,01 Mld SEK
Volume medio
Rapporto P/E
Borsa valori principale
Notizie del mercato finanziario
Dati finanziari
Conto economico
Utile netto
(SEK) | dic 2024info | Variazione Y/Y |
Entrate | 247,40 Mln | 8,31% |
Spese di gestione | 54,00 Mln | 23,28% |
Utile netto | -1,30 Mln | -107,03% |
Margine di profitto netto | -0,53 | -106,55% |
Utili per azione | — | — |
EBITDA | 6,35 Mln | -76,04% |
Aliquota fiscale effettiva | -85,71% | — |
Stato patrimoniale
Totale attivo
Totale passivo
(SEK) | dic 2024info | Variazione Y/Y |
Investimenti cash/breve termine | 56,30 Mln | -42,43% |
Totale attivo | 1,07 Mld | 5,80% |
Totale passivo | 662,60 Mln | 7,21% |
Patrimonio netto totale | 403,00 Mln | — |
Azioni in circolazione | 8,22 Mln | — |
Prezzo/valore contabile | 2,53 | — |
Redditività dell'attivo | 0,42% | — |
Rendimento sul capitale | 0,77% | — |
Flusso di cassa
Flusso di cassa netto
(SEK) | dic 2024info | Variazione Y/Y |
Utile netto | -1,30 Mln | -107,03% |
Liquidità di esercizio | 500.000,00 | -98,98% |
Contanti da investimenti | -19,20 Mln | -102,32% |
Contanti da finanziamenti | 1,80 Mln | 106,07% |
Flusso di cassa netto | -15,00 Mln | -387,80% |
Flusso di cassa libero | -26,99 Mln | -181,59% |
Studsvik is a supplier of nuclear analysis software and specialised services to the international nuclear industry. The company is headquartered in Nyköping, Sweden, and has five divisions: Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, and Global Services. There are 1,100 employees in 8 countries. The company's shares are listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm.
Studsvik offers advanced technical services to the international nuclear power industry in areas including fuel analysis software, waste treatment, decommissioning, engineering and services, and operating efficiency.
The company was founded in Stockholm in 1947, as AB Atomenergi, to develop and operate nuclear power stations in Sweden. Originally it was 57% government-owned; during the 1960s, the government acquired the entirety of the shares, but then in the 1970s, government funding was reduced and the company became entirely industry-owned and changed its name to Studsvik Energiteknik AB. Studsvik is the name of the property east of Nyköping, where the business had moved during the 1960s.
In 2005, Studsvik's two research reactors, R2 and R2-0, were decommissioned. Wikipedia
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