DomovSRP • LON
Serco Group plc
Predch. zatv. cena
165,40 GBX
Denný rozsah
165,00 GBX - 167,70 GBX
Rozsah rokov
136,20 GBX - 196,40 GBX
Trhová kapitalizácia
1,70 mld. GBP
Priemerný objem
1,84 mil.
Dividendový výnos
2,50 %
Hlavná burza
Novinky na trhu
Finančné údaje
Výkaz ziskov a strát
Čisté príjmy
(GBP) | 12/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Výnosy | 1,21 mld. | 1,10 % |
Prevádzkové náklady | 77,90 mil. | -3,89 % |
Čisté príjmy | -20,00 mil. | -172,99 % |
Čistá zisková marža | -1,65 | -172,37 % |
Earnings per share | — | — |
Zisk pred zdanením, úrokmi, odpismi | 61,80 mil. | 41,26 % |
Skutočná daňová sadzba | -135,29 % | — |
Celkové aktíva
Celkové záväzky
(GBP) | 12/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Hotovosť a krátk. invest. | 183,00 mil. | 93,86 % |
Celkové aktíva | 2,66 mld. | 1,92 % |
Celkové záväzky | 1,82 mld. | 15,30 % |
Celkový kapitál | 842,50 mil. | — |
Shares outstanding | 1,01 mld. | — |
Pomer ceny a účt. hodnoty | 1,99 | — |
Rentabilita aktív | 4,81 % | — |
Rentabilita kapitálu | 7,76 % | — |
Peňažný tok
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov
(GBP) | 12/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Čisté príjmy | -20,00 mil. | -172,99 % |
Prevádzkový peňažný tok | 115,20 mil. | 25,01 % |
Peniaze z investícií | 4,85 mil. | 94,00 % |
Peniaze z financovania | -99,80 mil. | -3,21 % |
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov | 20,30 mil. | 1 044,19 % |
Voľný peňažný tok | 73,31 mil. | 30,41 % |
Serco Group plc is a British multinational defence, health, space, justice, migration, customer services, and transport company. It is headquartered in Hook, Hart, England. The company operates in Continental Europe, the Middle East, the Asia Pacific region, including Australia and Hong Kong, and North America. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index.
The company was founded as RCA Services Limited in 1929, a UK-based division of the Radio Corporation of America. The company began providing technical and engineering services to the British War Office during the Second World War. During the Cold War era, it specialised in the provision of defense systems engineering and facilities management services, including the maintenance of sonar, early warning radar and satellite systems. Following a management buyout, the firm changed to the name Serco in 1987 and was listed on the London Stock Exchange one year later. The company was restructured during the 1980s, reorientated itself towards services beyond engineering, and expanded its presence globally. Wikipedia
Generálny riaditeľ
Dátum založenia
10. 9. 1929
Hlavné sídlo
50 000