Ranhill Utilities Bhd
1,26 RM
10 mar, 17:31:23 GMT+8 · MYR · KLSE · Renuncia de responsabilidad
AcciónValor cotizado en MY
Cierre anterior
1,28 RM
Intervalo diario
1,24 RM - 1,29 RM
Intervalo anual
0,98 RM - 1,75 RM
Cap. bursátil
1633,95 M MYR
Volumen medio
722,01 mil
Relación precio-beneficio
Rentabilidad por dividendo
Bolsa de valores principal
Noticias sobre los mercados
Datos financieros
Estado de resultados
Ingresos netos
(MYR)dic 2024Cambio interanual
522,45 M-6,15 %
Gastos operativos
89,39 M-24,13 %
Ingresos netos
17,82 M-8,30 %
Margen de beneficio neto
3,41-2,29 %
Beneficios por acción
111,22 M195,24 %
Tipo impositivo efectivo
56,67 %
Activos totales
Responsabilidades totales
(MYR)dic 2024Cambio interanual
Efectivo y a corto plazo
247,84 M-10,97 %
Activos totales
3796,73 M28,22 %
Responsabilidades totales
2738,17 M39,94 %
Patrimonio total
1058,57 M
Acciones en circulación
1295,95 M
Precio-valor contable
Rentabilidad económica
-0,52 %
Retorno sobre capital
-1,03 %
Variación neta del flujo de caja
(MYR)dic 2024Cambio interanual
Ingresos netos
17,82 M-8,30 %
Efectivo de operaciones
37,12 M-72,83 %
Efectivo de inversión
-2,56 M96,07 %
Efectivo de financiación
-29,97 M49,43 %
Variación neta del flujo de caja
2,56 M-74,72 %
Flujo de caja libre
71,13 M-44,22 %
Información sobre la empresa
Ranhill Utilities Berhad is a Malaysian conglomerate with interests in environment and power sectors. In the environment sector, it provides water supply services, operates water and wastewater treatment plants, and provides specialised services in the management and optimisation of water utility assets. In the power sector, it develops, owns and operates power generation assets. Its operations and services are primarily in Malaysia, and its international operations are centered in Asian markets such as China, Thailand and Southeast Asia. In the environment business, Ranhill has been granted an exclusive license by the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia to provide source-to-tap water supply services to end-customers in the entire State of Johor, the second most populous state in Malaysia, with a population of approximately 3.5 million people. Outside Malaysia, it operates water concession assets on a BOT, BTO and TOT basis in China which consist of 8 wastewater treatment plants with capacities ranging from 5.0 MLD to 80.0 MLD and a 30.0 MLD reclamation plant. Wikipedia
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