AccueilPREV-B • STO
Prevas AB
Dernière clôture
105,20 kr
Variation sur la journée
104,60 kr - 106,20 kr
Plage sur l'année
100,00 kr - 153,00 kr
Capitalisation boursière
1,31 Md SEK
Volume moyen
17,59 k
Ratio cours/bénéfices
Rendement (dividendes)
4,52 %
Place boursière principale
Actualités des marchés
Données financières
Compte de résultat
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
(SEK) | déc. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Chiffre d'affaires | 432,06 M | 8,20 % |
Charges d'exploitation | 136,89 M | -68,14 % |
Résultat net | 23,37 M | -24,29 % |
Marge bénéficiaire nette | 5,41 | -30,01 % |
Bénéfice par action | 1,81 | -25,21 % |
EBITDA | 33,26 M | 112,94 % |
Taux d'imposition effectif | 16,42 % | — |
Total des actifs
Total du passif
(SEK) | déc. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Trésorerie/Invest. court terme | 43,81 M | -61,00 % |
Total des actifs | 1,44 Md | 35,50 % |
Total du passif | 733,74 M | 74,40 % |
Total des capitaux propres | 703,06 M | — |
Actions en circulation | 12,88 M | — |
Ratio cours/valeur comptable | 2,10 | — |
Rentabilité des actifs | 5,08 % | — |
Retour sur capitaux | 6,91 % | — |
Flux de trésorerie
Variation nette en trésorerie
(SEK) | déc. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Résultat net | 23,37 M | -24,29 % |
Trésorerie (opérations) | 53,31 M | 29,33 % |
Trésorerie (invest.) | -5,79 M | 44,20 % |
Trésorerie (financement) | -37,15 M | -95,91 % |
Variation nette en trésorerie | 10,57 M | -2,38 % |
Flux de trésorerie dispo. | 43,86 M | 133,71 % |
À propos
Prevas is a Swedish IT company that provides services to streamline or automate software and hardware. Prevas was founded in 1985 and specialises in product development, embedded systems, industrial IT, and automation. Prevas is certified to be standard with ISO 9001.
Prevas is a supplier and development partner for companies in industries such as life science, telecom, automotive, defense, energy and engineering. Prevas has offices in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and India. The company has 527 employees. Prevas has been listed on the NASDAQ exchange in Stockholm since 1998.
Prevas has won first prize in the sv:Swedish Embedded Award in the Enterprise category four times:
A communications system, built with Interspiro in 2009, that is used in rescue operations.
A liquid analyser for liquids such as cow or breast milk, built with Miris Holdings in 2012.
A wireless breathalyzer which provides capabilities for helping alcoholics during the period after leaving rehab centres, built with Kontigo Care in 2014.
Wireless technology-enabled manikins to aid with CPR training, built with Ambu. Wikipedia
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