MwanzoPPB • KLSE
PPB Group Bhd
RM 11.50
7 Mac, 17:31:00 GMT +8 · MYR · KLSE · Kanusho
HisaHisa zinazouzwa MY
Bei iliyotangulia
RM 11.34
Bei za siku
RM 11.18 - RM 11.50
Bei za mwaka
RM 10.34 - RM 16.10
Thamani ya kampuni katika soko
16.36B MYR
Wastani wa hisa zilizouzwa
elfu 456.35
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Habari za soko
PPB Group Berhad is a Malaysian diversified conglomerate which engages in food production, agriculture, waste management, film distribution, property investment and development. PPB is also the single largest shareholder of Wilmar International, one of the leading palm oil producers and agribusiness companies in the world. The company was founded in 1968 as Perlis Plantations Berhad by Robert Kuok to cultivate and mill sugar cane in the northern Malaysian state of Perlis. The company went public in 1972 and has since ventured into other industries, although it exited the sugar business in 2009. Today, its main business is the supply of flour to downstream food producers. Its subsidiary, FFM, is the largest flour miller in Malaysia. The Kuok family retains control of the company with a 50.8 percent shareholding. Wikipedia
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