StartsidaOMXI15 • Index
OMX Iceland 15
2 899,26
13 jan., 11:34:14 GMT−5 · INDEXNASDAQ · Ansvarsfriskrivning
Föregående stängning
2 878,20
2 860,71 - 2 899,26
2 236,29 - 2 899,26
The OMX Iceland 15 is a defunct stock market index which consisted of a maximum of 15 companies listed on the OMX Iceland Stock Exchange with the highest market capitalization. At the final official review of the index effective in January 2009, 12 companies made up the index, four of which were Faroese. Calculated daily since 1998 and starting at 1,000 points, it was a market value-weighted index and the constituent companies were reviewed twice a year. Over the year 2008 and over the entire decade 1998–2008 the OMX Iceland 15 was the worst performing stock index in the world, being heavily affected by the 2008 Icelandic financial crisis which saw a number of index constituents become insolvent, be nationalised or opt to delist from the exchange. The index was discontinued in July 2009 and replaced by the OMX Iceland 6 as the exchange's benchmark stock index, which had run concurrently for the previous six months. Wikipedia
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