StartsidaNYA • Index
NYSE Composite
18 963,01
12 jan., 17:56:00 GMT−5 · INDEXNYSEGIS · Ansvarsfriskrivning
Föregående stängning
19 240,74
18 941,51 - 19 240,74
16 462,86 - 20 332,50
The NYSE Composite is a stock market index covering all common stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange, including American depositary receipts, real estate investment trusts, tracking stocks, and foreign listings. It includes corporations in each of the ten industries listed in the Industry Classification Benchmark. It uses free-float market cap weighting. Over 2,000 stocks are covered in the index, of which over 1,600 are from United States corporations and over 360 are foreign listings; however foreign companies are very prevalent among the largest companies in the index: of the 100 companies in the index having the largest market capitalization, more than half are non-U.S. issues. The index was originally given a value of 50 points, based on the market closing on December 31, 1965, and is weighted by the number of shares listed for each issue. It was re-introduced in January 2003 with a value of 5,000 points. The NYSE Composite outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Nasdaq Composite, and the S&P 500 in 2004, 2005, and 2006 and closed above the 10,000 level for the first time on June 1, 2007. Wikipedia
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