Pàgina d'iniciNOEJ • ETR
Norma Group SE
Tancament anterior
15,40 €
Interval de preus d'avui
14,20 € - 15,62 €
Interval anual
11,50 € - 19,80 €
Capitalit. borsària
453,08 M EUR
Volum mitjà
57,40 k
Ràtio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
3,14 %
Borsa principal
Notícies dels mercats
Balanç de resultats
Ingressos nets
(EUR) | set. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos | 275,01 M | -7,72 % |
Despesa d'explotació | 144,22 M | -1,19 % |
Ingressos nets | 6,10 M | -13,90 % |
Marge de benefici net | 2,22 | -6,72 % |
Benefici per acció | 0,32 | -8,57 % |
Ebitda | 35,50 M | -9,12 % |
Taxa impositiva efectiva | 40,29 % | — |
Actiu total
Passiu total
(EUR) | set. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Efectiu i invers. a curt terme | 152,08 M | 14,77 % |
Actiu total | 1440,91 M | -6,41 % |
Passiu total | 747,47 M | -9,87 % |
Capital total | 693,44 M | — |
Accions en circulació | 31,86 M | — |
Ràtio cotització-valor | 0,71 | — |
Rendiment | 2,63 % | — |
Rendibilitat d'inversió | 3,20 % | — |
Flux de caixa
Variació neta de l'efectiu
(EUR) | set. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos nets | 6,10 M | -13,90 % |
Efectiu d'operacions | 43,92 M | -10,20 % |
Efectiu d'inversió | -10,66 M | 19,98 % |
Efectiu de finançament | -29,58 M | -790,28 % |
Variació neta de l'efectiu | 473,00 k | -98,57 % |
Flux de caixa lliure | 47,72 M | 88,66 % |
Norma Group SE is a German manufacturer of machine joining components, such as hose couplings, clamps and quick connectors. The company's products are used in industries such as automotive, aviation, construction and shipping, and for purposes such as cooling, emission outputs, hoses, water pipes and sterile pharmaceuticals production.
The company is based in Maintal in Hesse, near Frankfurt, and is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. As of November 2015, it is a member of the SDAX index of small-cap companies. As of 2019, the company has about 8,900 employees. It markets its products under a range of brand names, such as ABA, Breeze, Connectors, Serflex, Serratub, Terry and Torca as well as Norma.
The company was founded as Rasmussen GmbH in 1949 by Ove Skafte Rasmussen, a son of Danish industrialist Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen. It was family-owned until a 2006 management buyout and merger with ABA, a Swedish company, funded by the private equity company 3i. It also took over Breeze Industrial Products, an American company, in 2007. The company was publicly listed in 2011 under its present name, which it already used as a brand name. Wikipedia
Data de fundació
Lloc web