Minesto AB
Cierre anterior
2,28 kr
Intervalo diario
2,08 kr - 2,25 kr
Intervalo anual
1,27 kr - 4,22 kr
Cap. bursátil
419,29 M SEK
Volumen medio
314,87 mil
Relación precio-beneficio
Rentabilidad por dividendo
Bolsa de valores principal
Noticias sobre los mercados
2,51 %
Datos financieros
Estado de resultados
Ingresos netos
(SEK) | dic 2024info | Cambio interanual |
Ingresos | 6,39 M | -8,61 % |
Gastos operativos | -11,32 M | -1.801,14 % |
Ingresos netos | -3,37 M | 67,84 % |
Margen de beneficio neto | -52,78 | 64,81 % |
Beneficios por acción | — | — |
EBITDA | -4,39 M | 55,42 % |
Tipo impositivo efectivo | -0,06 % | — |
Balance general
Activos totales
Responsabilidades totales
(SEK) | dic 2024info | Cambio interanual |
Efectivo y a corto plazo | 34,89 M | 130,15 % |
Activos totales | 586,19 M | 6,17 % |
Responsabilidades totales | 17,54 M | -40,34 % |
Patrimonio total | 568,65 M | — |
Acciones en circulación | 194,12 M | — |
Precio-valor contable | 0,78 | — |
Rentabilidad económica | — | — |
Retorno sobre capital | -1,94 % | — |
Flujo de caja
Variación neta del flujo de caja
(SEK) | dic 2024info | Cambio interanual |
Ingresos netos | -3,37 M | 67,84 % |
Efectivo de operaciones | -6,44 M | -72,53 % |
Efectivo de inversión | -13,62 M | 66,79 % |
Efectivo de financiación | 76,00 mil | 82.508,70 % |
Variación neta del flujo de caja | -19,90 M | 55,70 % |
Flujo de caja libre | — | — |
Información sobre la empresa
Minesto AB is a Swedish developer of electricity producing tidal kite turbines, based in Gothenburg. They also have a manufacturing base in Holyhead, North Wales, and a test facility at Portaferry, Northern Ireland.
The company has tested devices and developed plans to install arrays off the coast of Anglesey, North Wales and in the Faroe Islands. They are also collaborating with National Taiwan Ocean University and TCC Green Energy, a subsidiary of Taiwan Cement, to develop projects in Taiwan.
Minesto was formed in 2007 from the wind department of the Swedish aerospace and defense company Saab Group.
The Minesto devices somewhat resembles a plane, with a wing and control surfaces to steer the device through the water in a figure-of-eight shape. It is tethered to the seabed by a cable that also carries power and communication signals. By "flying" through the water using hydrodynamic lift, the device can travel several time faster than the current speed, allowing it to be used in areas of lower tidal currents than conventional turbines. Wikipedia
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