Pàgina d'iniciMAVI • IST
Mavi Giyim Sanayi ve Ticaret AS
Tancament anterior
72,00 ₺
Interval de preus d'avui
70,75 ₺ - 72,40 ₺
Interval anual
65,25 ₺ - 137,00 ₺
Volum mitjà
7,15 M
Ràtio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
3,00 %
Borsa principal
Notícies dels mercats
Mavi is a Turkish brand of denim and jeans founded in 1991 in Istanbul, Turkey. The company manufactures jeans for both women and men, targeting a younger age group. The global operation is headquartered in Turkey, with subsidiaries in the USA, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Russia and Australia.
Mavi is a Turkish word meaning "blue". Wikipedia
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