მთავარიIX0001 • ინდექსი
22 511,12
წინა დახურული
23 011,86
დღიური დიაპაზონი
22 477,02 - 23 070,32
წლიური დიაპაზონი
17 151,58 - 24 416,67
ახალ ამბებში
The Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index, TWSE Capitalization Weighted Stock Index, or TAIEX is a stock market index for companies traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. TAIEX covers all of the listed stocks excluding preferred stocks, full-delivery stocks and newly listed stocks, which are listed for less than one calendar month. It was first published in 1967 by TWSE with 1966 being the base year with a value of 100. The Taiwanese stock market experienced a "bubble economy" from 1986 to 1990. When in 1986 the index was around 1000 points, it reached a peak of over 12,000 points in February 1990 then plummeted to around 2500 points by October 1990. Wikipedia
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