ПочетнаGLE • LON
MJ Gleeson PLC
Претходно закључено
466,00 GBX
Дневни опсег
466,00 GBX - 478,56 GBX
Годишњи опсег
439,50 GBX - 654,00 GBX
Тржишна вредност
272,28 мил. GBP
Просечна количина
66,14 хиљ.
Добит од дивиденди
Примарна размена
Вести са тржишта
Биланс успеха
Нето приход
(GBP) | дец 2024.info | Промена Г/Г |
Приход | 78,92 мил. | 4,22% |
Трошкови пословања | 13,34 мил. | -8,20% |
Нето приход | 1,40 мил. | -49,93% |
Нето профитабилност | 1,77 | -52,03% |
Зарада по акцији | — | — |
EBITDA | 3,63 мил. | -34,60% |
Ефективна пореска стопа | 23,00% | — |
Биланс стања
Укупна актива
Укупне обавезе
(GBP) | дец 2024.info | Промена Г/Г |
Готовина и кратк. улагања | — | — |
Укупна актива | 388,27 мил. | 2,37% |
Укупне обавезе | 91,10 мил. | -1,04% |
Укупна вредност акција | 297,17 мил. | — |
Неисплаћене акције | 58,38 мил. | — |
Тржишна према номиналној | 0,92 | — |
Повраћај активе | 1,64% | — |
Повраћај капитала | 2,00% | — |
Ток новца
Нето промена у новцу
(GBP) | дец 2024.info | Промена Г/Г |
Нето приход | 1,40 мил. | -49,93% |
Готовина из пословања | -12,74 мил. | -49,30% |
Готовина из инвестирања | -319,50 хиљ. | 33,30% |
Готовина из финансирања | 5,57 мил. | 56,06% |
Нето промена у новцу | -7,50 мил. | -37,60% |
Слободан ток новца | 1,91 мил. | -35,13% |
Основни подаци
M J Gleeson Group plc is a housebuilding company in the United Kingdom. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and comprises a pair of distinct businesses: Gleeson Homes and Gleeson Strategic Land.
The company was established in 1903 by Michael Joseph Gleeson who operated as a contractor and a developer in Sheffield. It developed its civil engineering capability during the Second World War via the construction of aerodromes to support Britain's war effort. By 1960, the firm was oriented towards civil engineering projects, such as power stations, sewage works and sea defense. Gleeson's presence in the private housing sector expanded during the 1990s via multiple acquisitions; the firm also entered the rail sector during 2000.
Following a loss in 2005, the firm was heavily restructured, which included the divestment of its civil engineering division and various none-core activities to focus on urban regeneration, residential property management, and land. Gleeson's homebuilding activities were marketed towards first-time buyers and downsizing older buyers; its homes were more affordable due to a high level of standardisation and a deliberate focus on producing lower cost housing. Wikipedia
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