AccueilGBU • CVE
Gabriel Resources
0,085 $
10 mars, 16:10:05 UTC−4 · CAD · CVE · Clause de non-responsabilité
ActionPays où le titre est coté : CA
Dernière clôture
0,11 $
Variation sur la journée
0,080 $ - 0,10 $
Plage sur l'année
0,050 $ - 0,60 $
Capitalisation boursière
53,39 M CAD
Volume moyen
33,29 k
Ratio cours/bénéfices
Rendement (dividendes)
Place boursière principale
Données financières
Compte de résultat
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
(CAD)sept. 2024Variation Y/Y
Chiffre d'affaires
Charges d'exploitation
2,20 M-34,63 %
Résultat net
-2,66 M21,07 %
Marge bénéficiaire nette
Bénéfice par action
-2,20 M34,66 %
Taux d'imposition effectif
Total des actifs
Total du passif
(CAD)sept. 2024Variation Y/Y
Trésorerie/Invest. court terme
556,00 k-88,03 %
Total des actifs
2,27 M-61,30 %
Total du passif
21,17 M174,99 %
Total des capitaux propres
-18,91 M
Actions en circulation
125,63 M
Ratio cours/valeur comptable
Rentabilité des actifs
-156,12 %
Retour sur capitaux
31,30 %
Variation nette en trésorerie
(CAD)sept. 2024Variation Y/Y
Résultat net
-2,66 M21,07 %
Trésorerie (opérations)
-1,96 M15,55 %
Trésorerie (invest.)
4,00 k500,00 %
Trésorerie (financement)
-1,00 k0,00 %
Variation nette en trésorerie
-1,92 M20,14 %
Flux de trésorerie dispo.
-568,62 k59,04 %
À propos
Gabriel Resources Ltd. is a Canadian TSX-V-listed resource company focused on permitting and developing contested Roșia Montană gold and silver mine located in western central Romania. Rosia Montana is also home to ancient Roman mining galleries, which were added to UNESCO's World Heritage list in 2021. The Project, the largest undeveloped gold deposit in Europe, is owned through Rosia Montana Gold Corporation S.A., a Romanian company in which Gabriel Resources holds an 80.69% stake and CNCAF Minvest S.A., a Romanian state-owned mining enterprise, the rest. Gabriel is headquartered in the UK, listed in Canada and holds its Romanian assets through a Dutch company. Since 2015, it has been in a dispute with the Romanian state at the World Bank's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes for the failed mine project. According to its website, "the ICSID Arbitration has now become the core focus of the Company." On 8 March 2024, the Arbitration ruled in favor of Romania and ordered the company to pay Romania's legal costs. Its share price is 0.01 CAD, as of 14 November 2024, a 97.44% collapse compared to the price one year ago. Wikipedia
Date de fondation
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