Faqja kryesoreBLAK34 ā€¢ BVMF
Blackrock Inc BDR
80,19Ā BRL
10 mar, 7:45:00ā€Æe pasdites, GMT-3 · BRL · BVMF · Mohimi i pĆ«rgjegjĆ«sisĆ«
Mbyllja e fundit
82,22Ā BRL
Diapazoni ditor
80,00Ā BRL - 82,22Ā BRL
Diapazoni vjetor
57,10Ā BRL - 99,65Ā BRL
Kapitalizimi i tregut
141,77Ā mld USD
Volumi mesatar
3,84Ā mijĆ«
NĆ« lajme
Deklarimi mbi tƫ ardhurat
TĆ« ardhurat
TĆ« ardhurat neto
(USD)dhj 2024Ndryshimi nga V/V
TĆ« ardhurat
5,68Ā mld22,59%
Kostoja operative
711,00Ā mln13,76%
TĆ« ardhurat neto
1,67Ā mld21,45%
Marzhi i fitimit neto
Fitimet pƫr aksion
2,28Ā mld29,90%
Norma efektive tatimore
Aktivet nƫ total
Pasivet nƫ total
(USD)dhj 2024Ndryshimi nga V/V
Investime afatshkurtra dhe nƫ para fizike
13,09Ā mld42,51%
Aktivet nƫ total
138,62Ā mld12,50%
Pasivet nƫ total
89,26Ā mld8,89%
Kapitali aksioner nƫ total
49,36Ā mldā€”
Numri i aksioneve tƫ aksionerƫve
155,25Ā mlnā€”
Ƈmimi pĆ«r tĆ« rezervuar
Kthimi nga aktivet
Kthimi nga kapitali
Ndryshimi neto i parave nƫ dorƫ
(USD)dhj 2024Ndryshimi nga V/V
TĆ« ardhurat neto
1,67Ā mld21,45%
Paratƫ nga veprimtaritƫ
2,62Ā mld31,03%
Paratƫ nga investimi
-3,07Ā mld-1Ā 551,08%
Paratƫ nga financimi
-578,00Ā mln-14,91%
Ndryshimi neto i parave nƫ dorƫ
-1,28Ā mld-189,79%
Fluksi i lirƫ i parave
2,28Ā mld55,22%
BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment company. Founded in 1988, initially as an enterprise risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with US$11.5 trillion in assets under management as of 2024. Headquartered in New York City, BlackRock has 70 offices in 30 countries, and clients in 100 countries. BlackRock is the manager of the iShares group of exchange-traded funds, and along with The Vanguard Group and State Street, it is considered to be one of the Big Three index fund managers. Its Aladdin software keeps track of investment portfolios for many major financial institutions and its BlackRock Solutions division provides financial risk management services. As of 2023, BlackRock was ranked 229th on the Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by revenue. BlackRock has sought to position itself as an industry leader in environmental, social, and governance considerations in investments. The U.S. states of West Virginia, Florida, and Louisiana have divested money away from or refuse to do business with the firm because of its ESG policies. Wikipedia
Faqja nƫ internet
21Ā 100
Zbulo mƫ shumƫ
Mund tƫ jesh i interesuar pƫr
Kjo listƫ gjenerohet nga kƫrkimet e fundit, titujt financiarƫ tƫ ndjekur dhe aktivitete tƫ tjera. Mƫso mƫ shumƫ

TĆ« gjitha tĆ« dhĆ«nat dhe informacionet ofrohen ā€œsiƧ janĆ«ā€ vetĆ«m pĆ«r qĆ«llime informuese personale dhe nuk synohen tĆ« pĆ«rdoren pĆ«r kĆ«shilla financiare dhe as pĆ«r qĆ«llime tregtimi apo investimi, tatimi, ligjore, kontabiliteti apo kĆ«shilla tĆ« tjera. Google nuk Ć«shtĆ« kĆ«shillues investimesh dhe as kĆ«shillues financiar, dhe nuk shpreh asnjĆ« pikĆ«pamje, rekomandim apo mendim pĆ«r sa i pĆ«rket kompanive tĆ« pĆ«rfshira nĆ« kĆ«tĆ« listĆ« apo titujve financiarĆ« tĆ« lĆ«shuar nga ato kompani. Konsultohu me ndĆ«rmjetĆ«sin ose pĆ«rfaqĆ«suesin financiar pĆ«r tĆ« verifikuar Ƨmimin para se tĆ« kryesh ndonjĆ« tregti. MĆ«so mĆ« shumĆ«
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