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79,69 $
7 mar, 21:04:01 GMT-4 · USD · NYSE · Disclaimer
Titolo quotato in USACon sede in USA
Chiusura precedente
79,69 $
Intervallo annuale
62,38 $ - 107,89 $
Cap di mercato
1,15 Mld USD
Volume medio
Notizie del mercato finanziario
Dati finanziari
Conto economico
Utile netto
(USD)dic 2024Variazione Y/Y
746,98 Mln3,88%
Spese di gestione
40,02 Mln13,46%
Utile netto
-83,92 Mln7,94%
Margine di profitto netto
Utili per azione
247,64 Mln2,07%
Aliquota fiscale effettiva
Totale attivo
Totale passivo
(USD)dic 2024Variazione Y/Y
Investimenti cash/breve termine
328,80 Mln6,85%
Totale attivo
6,34 Mld13,67%
Totale passivo
6,12 Mld18,45%
Patrimonio netto totale
213,90 Mln—
Azioni in circolazione
200,16 Mln—
Prezzo/valore contabile
Redditività dell'attivo
Rendimento sul capitale
Flusso di cassa netto
(USD)dic 2024Variazione Y/Y
Utile netto
-83,92 Mln7,94%
Liquidità di esercizio
45,20 Mln54,29%
Contanti da investimenti
-144,55 Mln-745,80%
Contanti da finanziamenti
147,15 Mln239,76%
Flusso di cassa netto
47,80 Mln189,16%
Flusso di cassa libero
9,60 Mln-88,17%
Brookdale Senior Living Solutions owns and operates retirement homes across the United States. The company was established in 1978 and is based in Brentwood, Tennessee. It is the largest operator of senior housing in the United States, with over 60,000 residents. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Fortress Investment Group became the majority owner of Brookdale, holding approximately 51% of its share. In 2021, a New York Times investigation revealed that Brookdale submitted wrong and manipulated data to the government, thus inflating ratings of the quality of care in Brookdale's facilities. Shortly thereafter, the state of California filed a lawsuit against Brookdale alleging that the company manipulated the federal government’s nursing-home ratings system. Brookdale's headquarters remain in Tennessee, but a recent acquisition has made Milwaukee, Wisconsin their second largest office. Wikipedia
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