Pàgina d'iniciBBZA • ETR
BB Biotech 2nd Line Ord Shs
Tancament anterior
38,20 €
Interval de preus d'avui
37,10 € - 38,35 €
Interval anual
37,05 € - 51,60 €
Capitalit. borsària
1972,24 M CHF
Volum mitjà
22,29 k
Ràtio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
Borsa principal
Notícies dels mercats
BB Biotech AG is a Swiss investment company in the field of biotechnology. The company invests mainly in the United States and Western Europe and is managed by Bellevue Asset Management, a division of Bellevue Group, which is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange.
It is one of the largest investment companies in the biotech sector. Wikipedia
Data de fundació
9 de nov. 1993
Seu principal
Lloc web