Inicio80941 • HKG
China Mobile
Cierre anterior
77,45 ¥
Intervalo diario
76,95 ¥ - 77,95 ¥
Intervalo anual
60,55 ¥ - 77,95 ¥
Cap. bursátil
1,55 B CNY
Volumen medio
236,70 mil
Relación precio-beneficio
Rentabilidad por dividendo
En las noticias
Datos financieros
Estado de resultados
Ingresos netos
(CNY) | sept 2024info | Cambio interanual |
Ingresos | 244,71 mil M | -0,05 % |
Gastos operativos | 41,13 mil M | 17,88 % |
Ingresos netos | 30,68 mil M | 4,59 % |
Margen de beneficio neto | 12,54 | 4,67 % |
Beneficios por acción | 1,27 | 0,02 % |
EBITDA | 76,45 mil M | -10,49 % |
Tipo impositivo efectivo | 21,97 % | — |
Balance general
Activos totales
Responsabilidades totales
(CNY) | sept 2024info | Cambio interanual |
Efectivo y a corto plazo | 332,83 mil M | -7,00 % |
Activos totales | 1,98 B | 1,75 % |
Responsabilidades totales | 653,76 mil M | -1,73 % |
Patrimonio total | 1,33 B | — |
Acciones en circulación | 21,40 mil M | — |
Precio-valor contable | 1,25 | — |
Rentabilidad económica | 4,34 % | — |
Retorno sobre capital | 6,01 % | — |
Flujo de caja
Variación neta del flujo de caja
(CNY) | sept 2024info | Cambio interanual |
Ingresos netos | 30,68 mil M | 4,59 % |
Efectivo de operaciones | 92,70 mil M | 20,15 % |
Efectivo de inversión | -41,53 mil M | 14,27 % |
Efectivo de financiación | -61,81 mil M | -9,51 % |
Variación neta del flujo de caja | -10,79 mil M | 60,81 % |
Flujo de caja libre | -93,95 mil M | 11,59 % |
Información sobre la empresa
China Mobile is the trade name of both China Mobile Limited and its ultimate controlling shareholder, China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd., a Chinese state-owned telecommunications company. It provides mobile voice and multimedia services through its nationwide mobile telecommunications network across mainland China and Hong Kong. China Mobile is the largest wireless carrier in China, with 945.50 million subscribers as of June 2021. China Mobile was ranked #25 in Forbes' Global 2000 in 2023.
China Mobile Limited is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It is the world's largest mobile network operator by total number of subscribers, and the world's largest telecommunications company by revenue.
As of 31 October 2020, China Mobile Limited's total market value stood at HK$965 billion, which is the largest red chip company. Wikipedia
Director ejecutivo
3 sept 1997
Sitio web