Beranda600498 • SHA
Fiberhome Telecommunication Technologies
Tutup sebelumnya
Rentang hari
¥24,08 - ¥24,80
Rentang tahun
¥13,58 - ¥29,33
Kapitalisasi pasar
22,39Â M CNY
Volume Rata-Rata
71,96Â jt
Rasio P/E
Hasil dividen
Bursa utama
Berita pasar
Laporan Pendapatan
Laba bersih
(CNY) | Sep 2024info | Perubahan Y/Y |
Pendapatan | 7,30Â M | -4,70% |
Biaya operasional | 1,65Â M | -0,77% |
Laba bersih | 176,45Â jt | 37,85% |
Margin laba bersih | 2,42 | 44,91% |
Penghasilan per saham | — | — |
EBITDA | 240,14Â jt | -34,37% |
Tarif pajak efektif | 4,49% | — |
Total aset
Total liabilitas
(CNY) | Sep 2024info | Perubahan Y/Y |
Investasi tunai jangka pdk | 4,77Â M | 54,03% |
Total aset | 43,26Â M | 3,65% |
Total liabilitas | 28,10Â M | 0,76% |
Total ekuitas | 15,16 M | — |
Saham yang beredar | 1,19 M | — |
Harga terhadap nilai buku | 2,18 | — |
Tingkat pengembalian aset | 0,27% | — |
Tingkat pengembalian modal | 0,50% | — |
Arus Kas
Perubahan kas bersih
(CNY) | Sep 2024info | Perubahan Y/Y |
Laba bersih | 176,45Â jt | 37,85% |
Kas dari operasi | 1,71Â M | 995,41% |
Kas dari investasi | -173,20Â jt | 6,42% |
Kas dari pembiayaan | -596,83Â jt | -394,12% |
Perubahan kas bersih | 950,28Â jt | 488,11% |
Arus kas bebas | 746,64Â jt | 185,26% |
FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies Co., Ltd. is a major networking and telecommunication equipment provider in the People's Republic of China. Its headquarters is in Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei province, China. Founded in 1999, FiberHome Networks was one of the 8 affiliated companies and highly specializing on IP networks under the management of FiberHome Company.
In May 2020, the U.S. Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security said it was adding FiberHome to its Entity List of organizations subject to Export Administration Regulations governing exports and other transactions. The Commerce Department said FiberHome was complicit in alleged human rights abuses involving Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region in northwest China. U.S. companies will have to obtain special, hard-to-get licenses to do business with FiberHome. Wikipedia
25 Des 1999