Faqja kryesore500163 • BOM
Godfrey Phillips India Ltd
Mbyllja e fundit
5318,70 INR
Diapazoni ditor
5072,80 INR - 5384,80 INR
Diapazoni vjetor
2844,45 INR - 8480,00 INR
Kapitalizimi i tregut
265,12 mld INR
Volumi mesatar
31,59 mijë
Raporti çmim/fitim
Të ardhurat e dividendit
Bursa kryesore
Lajmet nga tregu
Deklarimi mbi të ardhurat
Të ardhurat
Të ardhurat neto
(INR) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Të ardhurat | 15,91 mld | 27,33% |
Kostoja operative | 3,02 mld | -6,45% |
Të ardhurat neto | 3,16 mld | 48,74% |
Marzhi i fitimit neto | 19,85 | 16,83% |
Fitimet për aksion | 60,95 | — |
EBITDA | 3,53 mld | 64,49% |
Norma efektive tatimore | 22,98% | — |
Aktivet në total
Pasivet në total
(INR) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Investime afatshkurtra dhe në para fizike | 1,58 mld | -47,11% |
Aktivet në total | — | — |
Pasivet në total | — | — |
Kapitali aksioner në total | 47,17 mld | — |
Numri i aksioneve të aksionerëve | 51,82 mln | — |
Çmimi për të rezervuar | 5,85 | — |
Kthimi nga aktivet | — | — |
Kthimi nga kapitali | 16,65% | — |
Fluksi i parave
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë
(INR) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Të ardhurat neto | 3,16 mld | 48,74% |
Paratë nga veprimtaritë | — | — |
Paratë nga investimi | — | — |
Paratë nga financimi | — | — |
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë | — | — |
Fluksi i lirë i parave | — | — |
Godfrey Phillips India Ltd. is a tobacco manufacturer headquartered in India. It is now a part of Modi Enterprises. The company is a major player in the domestic cigarette industry. In 2013-2014 it reported an annual turnover of Rs 4,220 crores. It has expanded from tobacco to include tea, pan masala, and confectioner. Its operations are primarily located in the northern and western parts of India, but it has recently expanded into West Bengal and the southern part of the country. It sells some of the most popular cigarette brands, such as Four Square, Red and White, Cavanders, Tipper, and North Pole.
The firm was originally established in London in 1844. GPI was one of the first British companies to mass-produce cigarettes.
GPI manufactures and sells cigarettes, smoking tobacco and cigars, apart from having a non-tobacco line of products released in 2009 that include confectionery. GPI is the flagship company of Modi Enterprises.
The company had an annual turnover of approximately 2925.74 crores as of March 2021. The company also has business interests in pan masala, chewing and confectionery products. Wikipedia
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