Faqja kryesore3PC • FRA
Cementir Holding NV
Mbyllja e fundit
13,78 €
Diapazoni ditor
13,28 € - 13,44 €
Diapazoni vjetor
8,93 € - 14,30 €
Kapitalizimi i tregut
2,20 mld EUR
Volumi mesatar
Raporti çmim/fitim
Të ardhurat e dividendit
Bursa kryesore
Lajmet nga tregu
Deklarimi mbi të ardhurat
Të ardhurat
Të ardhurat neto
(EUR) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Të ardhurat | 428,33 mln | 17,86% |
Kostoja operative | 874,31 mln | 380,91% |
Të ardhurat neto | 74,48 mln | 286,59% |
Marzhi i fitimit neto | 17,39 | 258,38% |
Fitimet për aksion | — | — |
EBITDA | 92,46 mln | 115,83% |
Norma efektive tatimore | — | — |
Aktivet në total
Pasivet në total
(EUR) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Investime afatshkurtra dhe në para fizike | — | — |
Aktivet në total | — | — |
Pasivet në total | — | — |
Kapitali aksioner në total | — | — |
Numri i aksioneve të aksionerëve | — | — |
Çmimi për të rezervuar | — | — |
Kthimi nga aktivet | — | — |
Kthimi nga kapitali | — | — |
Fluksi i parave
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë
(EUR) | dhj 2024info | Ndryshimi nga V/V |
Të ardhurat neto | 74,48 mln | 286,59% |
Paratë nga veprimtaritë | — | — |
Paratë nga investimi | — | — |
Paratë nga financimi | — | — |
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë | — | — |
Fluksi i lirë i parave | — | — |
Cementir Holding S.p.A., incorporated in 1947 in Rome, Italy, is a holding company with subsidiaries manufacturing cement and concrete, principally in Turkey and Denmark. The holding is the leading producer of cement in Denmark and of ready-mix concrete in Scandinavia, as well as one of the main producers in Turkey. It also has a significant presence in Italy. The company's products include precast concrete for the engineering and transport sectors. Its research and development activities are based in Denmark and Italy.
Cementir, like the rest of the cement industry, needs to mitigate its climate impacts. Carbon Disclosure Project rated them as a "B" rated organization December 2020, after previously getting an F rating.
In February 1992, to satisfy the recommendations of Brussels on the limitation of the public enterprise competition in the competitive economy domain, the IRI-Finsider Group held the majority of capital in the Italian construction group. Caltagirone S.p.A. for the sum of ₤480 billion lires.
In 2001, the Cementir group was listed at the Borsa Italiana. Wikipedia
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