Početna stranica0486 • HKG
Preth. zaklj. cijena
5,05 $
Dnevni raspon
4,92 $ - 5,40 $
Godišnji raspon
2,17 $ - 5,96 $
Tržišna kapitalizacija
82,24 mlr. HKD
Prosječna količina
2,78 mil.
P/E omjer
Prinos dividende
Vijesti s tržišta
Financijski podaci
Račun dobiti i gubitka
Neto dohodak
(USD) | lip 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Prihod | 2,85 mlr. | −4,21 % |
Operativni troškovi | 387,00 mil. | 11,53 % |
Neto dohodak | 282,50 mil. | 34,52 % |
Neto profitabilnost | 9,92 | 40,51 % |
Zarada po dionici | — | — |
EBITDA | 392,50 mil. | 175,44 % |
Efektivna porezna stopa | 22,50 % | — |
Bilanca stanja
Ukupna imovina
Ukupne obveze
(USD) | lip 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Gotovinska i kratkoročna ulaganja | 1,43 mlr. | −9,42 % |
Ukupna imovina | 22,03 mlr. | 2,83 % |
Ukupne obveze | 10,07 mlr. | −0,78 % |
Ukupni kapital | 11,96 mlr. | — |
Dionice u optjecaju | 15,19 mlr. | — |
Cijena prema knjigovodstvenoj vrijednosti | 6,39 | — |
Povrat imovine | 3,04 % | — |
Povrat kapitala | 3,41 % | — |
Tok novca
Neto promjena novca
(USD) | lip 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Neto dohodak | 282,50 mil. | 34,52 % |
Gotovina od poslovanja | −201,50 mil. | −270,76 % |
Gotovina iz ulaganja | −116,00 mil. | 41,71 % |
Gotovina iz financiranja | −52,00 mil. | 92,79 % |
Neto promjena novca | −381,50 mil. | 55,33 % |
Slobodan tok novca | −18,81 mil. | 86,61 % |
United Company Rusal is the world's second largest aluminium company by primary production output. It was the largest until overtaken by China Hongqiao Group in 2015. Rusal accounts for almost 9% of the world's primary aluminium output and 9% of the world's alumina production. Rusal was founded by major Russian industrialist Oleg Deripaska.
The United Company was formed by the merger of Rusal, SUAL, and the alumina assets of Glencore, completed in March 2007. According to its own statistics, Rusal accounts for 6.2% of the world's primary aluminium output and 6.5% of the world's alumina production, while operating assets in 13 countries over five continents, employing over 61,000 people across its international operations and offices.
The company is incorporated in Jersey, where it has its financial centre, but its headquarters are in Moscow, Russian Federation. UC Rusal is a public limited company and its shares are traded on the Moscow Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange and European Stock Exchange. Since 25 September 2020, the company changed its place of registration from Jersey to Kaliningrad, Russia. Wikipedia
Glavni izvršni direktor
ožu 2007