Domov0224 • HKG
Pioneer Global Group Ltd
Predch. zatv. cena
0,68 $
Rozsah rokov
0,50 $ - 0,86 $
Trhová kapitalizácia
784,75 mil. HKD
Priemerný objem
8,11 tis.
Dividendový výnos
Hlavná burza
Novinky na trhu
Finančné údaje
Výkaz ziskov a strát
Čisté príjmy
(HKD) | 9/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Výnosy | 17,76 mil. | -58,78 % |
Prevádzkové náklady | 5,43 mil. | -1,65 % |
Čisté príjmy | -42,92 mil. | -574,35 % |
Čistá zisková marža | -241,74 | -1 250,59 % |
Earnings per share | — | — |
Zisk pred zdanením, úrokmi, odpismi | 697,00 tis. | -97,08 % |
Skutočná daňová sadzba | -3,22 % | — |
Celkové aktíva
Celkové záväzky
(HKD) | 9/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Hotovosť a krátk. invest. | 385,69 mil. | 79,50 % |
Celkové aktíva | 10,99 mld. | -1,13 % |
Celkové záväzky | 2,45 mld. | 0,14 % |
Celkový kapitál | 8,55 mld. | — |
Shares outstanding | 1,15 mld. | — |
Pomer ceny a účt. hodnoty | 0,11 | — |
Rentabilita aktív | 0,01 % | — |
Rentabilita kapitálu | 0,01 % | — |
Peňažný tok
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov
(HKD) | 9/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Čisté príjmy | -42,92 mil. | -574,35 % |
Prevádzkový peňažný tok | 40,64 mil. | 17,02 % |
Peniaze z investícií | 31,77 mil. | 203,45 % |
Peniaze z financovania | -30,78 mil. | -8,42 % |
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov | 41,60 mil. | 270,54 % |
Voľný peňažný tok | -18,36 mil. | -563,55 % |
Pioneer Global Group is a Hong Kong real estate development company and investor, listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, controlled by the Gaw family.
Pioneer Global was founded by Anthony Gaw, and is 21% owned by his widow Rosanna Wang Gaw, 10% by his son Kenneth Gaw, and 1.71% by his daughter Christina Gaw.
The chairman is Rosanna Wang Gaw, the managing director is Kenneth Gaw, the vice chairman is Goodwin Gaw, executive directors are Christina Gaw and Kam Hung Lee.
In 2015, Pioneer Global together with Gateway Capital bought the Intercontinental Hong Kong for US$938 million and planned to spend a further $240 million to renovate it. Pioneer Global also has hotel interests in Thailand.
In January 2017, Pioneer Global sold the 24-storey Pemberton Building in Sheung Wan for HK$1 billion to a British Virgin Islands-registered company said to be controlled by property investment firm Octa Capital Partners, having bought it in 2011 for HK$523 million. Wikipedia
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